Just as a favorite leather item is polished and glistening, the revolutionary and stunning light of “BRIGHT” shines on the blissful moment when you indulge in leather maintenance. To shed some light on the leather creams often hidden away in shoe boxes, the “BRIGHT” pendant light was designed to integrate the glass container of the cream into a luminaire.
The cream piece is detachable with a magnet attached to the lighting fixture, allowing one to take care of their precious leather items anytime. The luminaire itself displays its presence, and the users are reminded of the leather maintenance tools being close at hand.
This exhibition will feature the “Made from Nature Series,” the only care products worldwide made with ingredients exclusively derived from nature. Gentle on leather and the environment and crafted with reliable technology, this cream weaves a sophisticated message for the future. The coexistence of light and leather will open the door to a new era.
Supported by ARAKAWA GRIP (Wire Suspension Fittings) / Y.S.M. (lighting fixture)
サポーター:荒川技研工業株式会社(ワイヤー吊り金具)/ Y.S.M(照明器具本体)