NEW NORMAL NEW STANDARD is a project that suggests the changing demands of our daily lives influenced by global affairs and ways to enrich them, however possible through design from Japan.

This project was started in 2020 when the world was severely impacted by COVID-19. At the time, we were so hurried to take countermeasures against infectious diseases that we took many unconventional measures that reduced the quality of the spatial atmosphere and compromised comfort. Under such circumstances, designers with the same awareness of the problem came together. As a result, NEW NORMAL NEW STANDARD exhibitions were held in Tokyo and Osaka from 2020 to 2022. We have tried to develop a way to improve the environment and induce communication among people while taking the proper countermeasures.

NEW NORMAL NEW STANDARDはデザインを通して「今の時代に求められる新しいスタンダードをつくる」をコンセプトに2020年から活動しているプロジェクトです。

過去開催では「感染症対策」や「防災」といった対策をテーマにしてきましたが、今回は「日本の家業のモノづくり」にフォーカスをして展示を行います。日本の企業の9 割以上が中小企業であり、その多くが同族経営と言われる中で、モノづくり企業の後継者の多くも家業を継いだ後にどのように事業を継続しつつ変革していくかという課題があります。




15-20 April 2024
11:00 - 19:00
Zona K (Via Spalato, 11, 20124 Milan, Italy) by Arakawagrip
Google Map


3-8 September 2024
Weekday 15:00 - 19:00, Weekend 12:00 - 19:00
5-7-12 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0001
Google Map


13-16 September 2024
12:00 - 19:00
THE BOLY OSAKA B1F 2-1-16 Kitahama Chuo-ku Osaka City 541-0041
Google Map
Tomoki Doi / Takanori Urata
Arakawa & Co., Ltd.
Photography : Takanori Urata / ToLoLo studio
Leaflet : Anzu Fujihara
Web : Akira Sakakibara
PR / SNS : Maki Yoshikawa
Translation : Shizuka Konishi


Takanori Urata × Taniguchi Chemical Industry Co.
Kairi Eguchi × Daika Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Maki Izawa × KIPS Co., Ltd.
Yosuke Shimano × Tosho Rubber Industries, Inc.
Kaori Akiyama × Kataoka Byoubu Co., Ltd.
Tomoki Doi × Igarashi Seihako Co., Ltd.
Tomoki Doi × Kouhoku Rubber Co., Ltd.
Akira Nakagomi × Kasimoto Shouten Co., Ltd.




Light Fixture Fused by Shoe Cream
Just as a favorite leather item is polished and glistening, the revolutionary and stunning light of "BRIGHT" shines on the blissful moment when you indulge in leather maintenance. To shed some light on the leather creams often hidden away in shoe boxes, the "BRIGHT" pendant light was designed to integrate the glass container of the cream into a luminaire.
The cream piece is detachable with a magnet attached to the lighting fixture, allowing one to take care of their precious leather items anytime and the users are reminded of the leather maintenance tools being close at hand.
This exhibition will feature the "Made from Nature Series," the only care products worldwide made with ingredients exclusively derived from nature. Gentle on leather and the environment and crafted with reliable technology, the coexistence of light and leather will open the door to a new era.

クリームは器具本体から容易に脱着が可能で、いつでもレザーケアが出来ます。いつも身近なところにレザーメンテナンスアイテムがあることを、日々のくらしの中で実感する事でしょう。 今回の展示では、世界で唯一自然由来の成分で製造した「自然から作ったシリーズ」を展示します。革にも環境にも優しく、確かな技術で紡がれたこのクリームと照らされる光の共演が、新しい時代の扉を開くことでしょう。

Takanori Urata × Taniguchi Chemical Industry Co.

Takanori Urata
Takanori Urata
Takanori Urata, after worked for Tokujin Yoshioka Design, established TAKANORI URATA DESIGN INC. in 2010. In 2014, he started sunsetclimax inc. for outdoor gears industry. He received some awards, such as GOOD DESIGN AWARD, iF DESIGN AWARD, DFA Design for Asia Awards, German Design Awards and so on.
TYD INC.を経て2010年TAKANORI URATA DESIGN INC.設立。2014年アウトドアギアブランドsunsetclimaxを設立。主な受賞歴として、GOOD DESIGN AWARD(日本)、DFA Design for Asia Awards(香港)、iF DESIGN AWARD 2019(ドイツ)Architecture MasterPrize(アメリカ)、A'design AWARD (イタリア) 、International Design Awards (アメリカ)などを受賞している。

Taniguchi Chemical Industry Co.
Taniguchi Chemical Industry Co.
Development, Manufacture and Sales of Leather Care Products / Since 1910
In addition to its long history since the foundation of the company, it is based on the concept of " extending greater refinement in leather shoes". The company remains committed to the founder's words of "tireless effort and research," and pursues the manufacture of high-quality products based on its cultivated experience and techniques.
Hirotake Taniguchi
5th Generation
A native of Sumida-ku, Tokyo. He launched the "Made from Nature Series" in 2020, featuring raw materials and manufacturing processes. He conducts seminars on shoe polishing on a regular basis to broaden the appreciation of caring for leather shoes.
レザーケア製品の開発・製造・販売 / 1910年創業



Textile Innovation and Design, Leading Local Crafts to the Future
An innovative textile has been developed to find new possibilities for Banshu-ori, including those woven with dyed threads and PLA threads and with PLA non-woven fabric pressed onto the reverse side. Applying heat to imbue the PLA component into the fabric gives a slightly firmer finish while retaining the original texture, allowing for laser cutting and molding. Since Banshuori is made of cotton, it is an ecological material that can decompose in compost.


Kairi Eguchi × Daika Sangyo Co., Ltd.

Kairi Eguchi
Kairi Eguchi
Industrial designer and creative director. CEO of KAIRI EGUCHI STUDIO Inc.I started career as a freelance designer in 2008 and incorporated in 2021, and has been awarded iF DESIGN AWARD (Germany), A' DESIGN AWARD (Italy), DESIGN FOR ASIA AWARD (Hong Kong), GOOD DESIGN AWARD (Japan), etc. Exhibited at MILANO SALONE (Italy), TENT LONDON (UK), EAST DESIGN SHOW (China), DESIGNART TOKYO (Japan), and others.
工業デザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。KAIRI EGUCHI STUDIO代表。2008年よりフリーランスとして活動を開始し、2021年法人化。iF DESIGN AWARD(ドイツ)、A’ DESIGN AWARD(イタリア)、DESIGN FOR ASIA AWARD(香港)、GOOD DESIGN AWARD(日本)など授賞し、MILANO SALONE(イタリア)、TENT LONDON(イギリス)、EAST DESIGN SHOW(中国)、DESIGNART TOKYO(日本)などに出展。

Daika Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Daika Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Textile Trading Company and Apparel / Since 1970
Based in the long-standing Banshuori textile production area of Nishiwaki City, Hyogo, Daika Sangyo has been offering manufacturing options tailored to its clients' needs since its establishment. Starting from a trading company that handles thread selection and coordinates the organization, weaving, and processing, the company transforms its ideas into reality and aims to expand its business that "grows" and "transforms" like its company name. Under the concept of "playing with textiles," Daika Sangyo introduces the features of craftsmanship through a new type of Banshuori textile that is not bound by conventional conceptions.
Naoya Takahashi
4th Generation
Born in Hyogo in 1985. Studied at Leysin American School in Switzerland from the age of 15 and received a master’s degree in fashion design at Instituto Marangoni in Milan. After returning to Japan, he worked for a textile trading company, supplying fabrics to overseas brands. In 2022, he returned to the family business and enjoyed a life of manufacturing.
生地の製造業 / 1970年創業
4代目。1985年兵庫県に生まれ。15歳よりLeysin American School in Switzerlandへ留学。卒業後ミラノのInstituto Marangoniにてファッションデザインを学び、修士号を取得。帰国後は繊維商社で勤め海外のブランドへ生地の提案を行う。2022年に家業へ戻り、より川上に近い場所で日々物作りと向き合う生活を楽しむ。



Recreation spun by Stitches
The ReVessel project breathes new life into discarded wine bottles, transforming them into new flower vases with knitted, smocked cover. This knit cover is made with a smocking embroidery technique, featuring flexibility, durability, and adaptability to any bottles of all shapes and sizes. ReVessel brings sustainability to our lives by giving new life to waste and adding natural beauty to the interior while conveying a profound message of environmental stewardship.

ReVesselは、捨てられがちなワインボトルを新しいフラワーベースへと生まれ変わらせるデザインプロダクトです。スモッキング刺繍の技法で作られたニットカバーは、柔軟性と耐久性を備え、様々な形状のボトルに簡単に適応します。ReVesselはただの花瓶ではなく、使われなくなった物を新しいものへと昇華させ、日常の再利用可能な素材を用いることで、私たちの生活に持続可能性をもたらします。ReVessel はインテリアに自然な美しさを加えると同時に、環境保護のメッセージを伝えます。

Maki Izawa × KIPS Co., Ltd.

Maki Izawa
Maki Izawa
Maki Izawa creates designs that enhance people's lives by considering the interaction between space, objects, and people. Her designs focus on optimizing both aesthetics and functionality to create a deep emotional connection with people's hearts. She mainly designs interiors, products, and packages. She graduated from the Osaka University of Arts. After working in an interior design company and at a design firm, she established Maki Izawa Design Studio in Tokyo. A' Design Award and Competition Bronze.
人の暮らしをデザインすること、空間やモノが人にどう作用するかを考え主にインテリア、プロダクト、パッケージのデザインを手がける。見た目の美しさだけではなく、人の心に響く、美学と機能性が融合したものづくりを目指す。大阪芸術大学芸術学部デザイン学科卒業。インテリアデザイン会社、デザイン事務所を経てmaki izawa design studio設立。A’ Design Award and Competition Bronze 受賞。
KIPS Co., Ltd.
KIPS Co., Ltd.
Manufacturing Clothing with a specialization in Knitwear / Since 1916
KIPS Co., Ltd is a clothing manufacturer specializing in cut and sewn knitwear with fashion brands as clients. The company has a factory in Fukushima Prefecture and takes pride in "made in Japan" craftsmanship. With a history of production ranging from men's casual wear to women's formal cut-and-sew knitwear and sports apparel, the company delivers per clients' demand. In addition to the OEM operations, the company has also launched original product lines and space rental services as a new channel for its business.
Yasuo Tanaka
5th Generation
Born in 1987, age 36. After graduating from Rikkyo University with a law degree, he worked for a medical products distributor. He joined KIPS after the tragic accident of his uncle, the previous president. Today, as senior managing director, he oversees sales. He is developing an original workwear brand, "KIPS works," a brand for public bathhouse saunas, "off-low-buff-companys," and an agricultural sustainable brand, "3ico". .
アパレル製品(ニット製品)の製造業 / 1916年創業
キップス株式会社はアパレルブランドをクライアントに持つ、ニット素材のカットソーを専門とした縫製工場。福島県に自社工場を持ち、made in japanに誇りを持ったものづくりをしている。メンズのカジュアルウェアから、ミセスのフォーマルなカットソー、スポーツアパレルまで対応した実績を有し、クライアントの要望に寄り添ったサポートを提供。また、最近はOEM事業をメインとしつつ、オリジナルの製品開発や、空間提供サービスを新たなビジネスの軸として活動している。
現在は専務取締役として、営業も兼務しつつ、オリジナルでワークウェアブランド「KIPS works」、銭湯サウナ用ブランド「off-low-buff-companys」、農業系サステナブルブランド「3ico」を展開中。

Take 5 Rubber

Take 5 Rubber

Take out from the refrigerator and bake in the oven for 5 minutes to make rubber products.
Take 5 Rubber is a project by Tosho Rubber industries, Inc. designed to generate a variety of shapes and colors by baking a uniquely developed rubber material. This rubber can be molded easily like clay and hardens in 5 minutes in a 120°C oven. It is durable, water-resistant, and safe for the human body. In addition, the ability to adhere to each other and to be subjected to secondary processing opens up new creative possibilities. Take 5 Rubber seeks to foster a culture of manufacturing into everyday life. The land where the company was founded is home to a pottery manufacturing industry that flourished in Japan 1,500 years ago and will continue to create a new pottery culture through “Take 5 Rubber” project.

Take 5 Rubberは、Tosho Rubber industries, Inc.が独自開発したゴム素材を焼き上げることで、様々なかたちや色を作り出すプロジェクトです。粘土のように自由自在に変形でき、120℃のオーブンで5分で固まるこのゴムは、割れず、水に強く、そして人体にも安全です。また同質同士がくっつき、二次加工が可能な特性は新たな創造性を広げます。
Take 5 Rubberは日常に豊かなものづくりを醸成したい。私たちが創業した土地は日本で1500年前に土器製造が盛んにおこなわれた場所でもあり、太古の焼き物文化を記憶するこの場所で、オリジナルのゴム素材を使った新たな焼き物文化を創造していきます。

Yosuke Shimano × Tosho Rubber Industries, Inc.

Yosuke Shimano
Yosuke Shimano
Based in Osaka Japan. After working as an eyewear designer in Sabae (Japan) and New York, he has been exploring the core concept from his unique perspective and proposing various designs from eyewear to space through sustainability, aesthetics, and wonder. Graduated from ECAL(Lausanne, Switzerland)with MAS in Design for Luxury and Craftsmanship.
ローザンヌ州立美術大学(ECAL) 高級品・工芸デザイン先端研究修士課程修了。 鯖江とNYでアイウェアデザイナーとして活動後、スイスへ渡る。2021年より出身地である大阪府を拠点に、独自の視点で本質を探り、眼鏡から空間までさまざまなデザイン提案を行っている。

Tosho Rubber Industries, Inc.
Tosho Rubber Industries, Inc.
Manufacturing Industrial Rubber Products / Since 1966
Tosho Rubber Industries has been manufacturing and distributing rubber and sponge rollers for various machinery ranging from food and medical equipment to large printing presses under the leadership of Tomio Suenaga (current chairman). Since its establishment, the company has been highly recognized worldwide for its integrated production system.
The processing technology and wisdom cultivated to date have been developed into unique rubber compounding expertise, which is utilized in the development of intricate parts for precision instruments and innovative new materials never existed before. Under the vision of "The future to contribute with rubber," the company continues to be committed to building a sustainable society.
Daisuke Suenaga
2nd Generation
Born in 1971. As a child, he trained in the Japanese martial art of kendo at the suggestion of his mother and attended a dojo five times a week. He joined Tosho Rubber Industries, Inc. in 1997 and became Representative Director in 2010. Having a strong desire to be involved in the business with his father, the founder, and carrying on his legacy.
工業用ゴム製品製造業 / 1966年創業
私たちはThe future to contribute with rubber.を掲げ、持続可能な社会の創造に今後も貢献していく。



Traditional crafts that connect through folds
The folding screen originated in China about 1,300 years ago and later evolved in Japan to have hinges made of Japanese paper instead of metal. Washi hinges do not allow even the slightest wind or light to pass through. It is the result of the wisdom of the Japanese people. This technique has been passed down from generation to generation at Kataoka Byoubu, the only store in Tokyo that specializes in folding screens. Kaori Akiyama of STUDIO BYCOLOR has used this delicate and clever mechanism to reinterpret the beauty of folding screens in a new way. This is a form of exploration by Kataoka Byoubu and STUDIO BYCOLOR for a folding screen that is different as before.

今から約1300年前に中国から渡来し、日本で進化した和紙蝶番の屏風。 僅かな風や光をも通さない和紙蝶番は、日本人の知恵から生み出されたものです。 東京で唯一の屏風専門店である片岡屏風店に代々続く技術を生かし、屏風の新たな美しさを求めて仕立てました。屏風絵のためのものではなく、背景として静かに存在するものとも違う、屏風として主となり得る存在についての片岡屏風店とSTUDIO BYCOLORによる模索のカタチです。

Kaori Akiyama × Kataoka Byoubu Co., Ltd.

Kaori Akiyama
Kaori Akiyama
Kaori Akiyama Founded STUDIO BYCOLOR in 2013, A Design Office That Effectively Utilizes Colors And Materials. INHERENT:PATTERN, The Result Of Material Experimentation, Won The If Design Award 2022. STUDIO BYCOLOR Has Also Received if Design Award Gold(COYUI), DFA Gold Award(COYUI), Good Design Award(KONOHA).
色や素材の持つ力を効果的に活用するクリエイションを生み出すデザインスタジオSTUDIO BYCOLORは2013年に秋山かおりによって設立されました。マテリアル実験から生み出された作品INHERENT:PATTERNはiF Design Awardを受賞。その他のデザインワークではiF Design Award Gold(COYUI), DFA Award Gold(COYUI), GOOD DESIGN AWARD(KONOHA)他、受賞。

Kataoka Byoubu Co., Ltd.
Kataoka Byoubu Co., Ltd.
Producing Japanese Traditional Folding Screens / Since 1946
Kataoka Byoubu was founded in 1946 by Jiro Kataoka as a company specialized in creating folding screens for Japanese traditional festivals. From the time of the second generation led by Kyoichi Kataoka, the company began to produce large-scale works such as gold folding screens in response to demand for such products. Today, Koto Kataoka is pursuing new possibilities for folding screens, including overseas development and collaborations with artists.
Koto Kataoka
3rd Generation
Born in 1988. After studying abroad, he revisited the fascination of Japanese culture and took over his family business. He has been engaged in creating a "new traditional culture" by blending street culture and traditional culture, producing folding screens with overseas artists, and more.
屏風製造業 / 1946年創業
1946年に初代片岡治郎により創業 節句屏風を主として屏風製作を行っていたが、二代目片岡恭一の時代より需要と共に金屏風などの大型の屏風も仕立てる。 現在三代目片岡孝斗により海外への展開や作家とのコラボレーションなどを始め新たな屏風の可能性を追求している。
3代目。1988年生まれ。海外留学を機に日本の文化の魅力を再確認し、家業である屏風店を継ぐ。 ストリートカルチャーと伝統文化をミックスさせた作品や海外アーティストとの屏風製作を始め、新たな伝統文化を作っている。



Stackable and Foldable Lightweight Paper Stools
Stools made to be conveniently used and removed as needed may spend more time in storage than in use. With this in mind, the aim was to create stools that can be stored where people can see them on a daily basis, while looking stunning when stacked together.
The stool takes simple triangular shape. By cutting off a part of the triangle, it functions as a leg for stacking or as a handle. The simple geometry allows for greater expandability, facilitating the usage of multiple modules.


Tomoki Doi × Igarashi Seihako Co., Ltd.

Tomoki Doi
Tomoki Doi
Born in Kagawa Prefecture. After graduating from the Kuwasawa Design School, he worked at an interior design firm before launching his design firm in 2010 and incorporating soell inc. in 2022. He started lecturing at the Kuwasawa Design Institute in 2014 and at Showa Women's University in 2020.
He has been exploring the relationship between objects and space and the unrestrained design conception based on a change of perspective between micro and macro scales. From such an approach, he engages in interior and product design.
香川県生まれ。桑沢デザイン研究所を卒業後、インテリアデザイン事務所を経て2010 年より自身のデザイン事務所を設立。2022年、soell株式会社に改組。2014 年より桑沢デザイン研究所非常勤講師、2020 年より昭和女子大学非常勤講師。物と空間との関係性、ミクロとマクロのスケールを行き来するように視点を変えることで自由な発想・表現を探求し、インテリア・プロダクトデザインを主に手掛ける。

Igarashi Seihako Co., Ltd.
Igarashi Seihako Co., Ltd.
Production Processing of Cardboard Packaging / Since 1926
Igarashi Seihako was founded in 1926 as a wooden box manufacturer in Sumida-ku, Tokyo, and now operates as a manufacturer of cardboard cases and other packaging materials. The company specializes in high-quality flexographic printing and offers packaging with sophisticated designs. In addition, utilizing their cardboard design skills, they produce POP display material, store fixtures, and display stands, and develop original Paper Fixtures brands such as "Hakoberu," a portable display stand collection, and "Kataaru," paper fixtures that can be ordered without a mold cost.
Hiroyuki Igarashi
4th Generation
The fourth generation of the founding family of Igarashi Seihako Co., Ltd. He tries to capture the fascination of cardboard as the director in charge of corporate planning and public relations. To celebrate the company's 100th anniversary, he is currently working to expand services and strengthen the organizational structure. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Family Business Advisors Association of Japan (FBAA).
段ボール加工業 / 1926年創業



Gentle materials for nature and humanity
This project started with the idea of creating more familiar and useful products that utilizes technology to make industrial rubber components requiring high functionality.
From there, rebbuR was launched, focusing on waste materials that are thrown away and not utilized in the world. It is a recycling project that mixes waste with rubber and recreates it as a new rubber material.
As the first step, we designed a rubber planter that does not break if dropped, damage floors and tables, and can be returned to nature in the soil.

そこから世の中で活用されず捨てられている廃棄物に着目し、廃棄物とゴムを混ぜて新しいゴム素材として再生するプロジェクト、 rebbuR(リバー) が生まれました。

Tomoki Doi × Kouhoku Rubber Co., Ltd.

Tomoki Doi
Tomoki Doi
Born in Kagawa Prefecture. After graduating from the Kuwasawa Design School, he worked at an interior design firm before launching his design firm in 2010 and incorporating soell inc. in 2022. He started lecturing at the Kuwasawa Design Institute in 2014 and at Showa Women's University in 2020.
He has been exploring the relationship between objects and space and the unrestrained design conception based on a change of perspective between micro and macro scales. From such an approach, he engages in interior and product design.
香川県生まれ。桑沢デザイン研究所を卒業後、インテリアデザイン事務所を経て2010 年より自身のデザイン事務所を設立。2022年、soell株式会社に改組。2014 年より桑沢デザイン研究所非常勤講師、2020 年より昭和女子大学非常勤講師。物と空間との関係性、ミクロとマクロのスケールを行き来するように視点を変えることで自由な発想・表現を探求し、インテリア・プロダクトデザインを主に手掛ける。

Kouhoku Rubber Co., Ltd.
Kouhoku Rubber Co., Ltd.
Rubber Compounding and Manufacturing of Rubber Products / Since 1962
Kouhoku Rubber pioneered the processing of conveyor belts with infinite adhesion and continues to expand the scale of its compounding development and processing operations to meet demands from a wide range of fields, from microscopic to large precision products. The company's products range from artisanal handcrafts to mass-production processing using metal molds, including rubber linings and rollers that enhance abrasion and impact resistance for industrial plants and infrastructure equipment, various rubber molded products for medical equipment and amusement facilities, mold fabrication, coating processing, and sporting goods such as golf tees and mats.
Kenta Sugahara
3rd Generation
Born in 1976, he grew up on the grounds of the Fuji Plant of Kouhoku Rubber located at the foot of Mt. Fuji, experiencing rubber close at hand. He joined the company in 2001 and became President and Representative Director in 2016. Believing that rubber has unlimited possibilities, his motto is to solve problems with the "power of rubber" and to "try anything."
ゴムの配合設計・ゴム製品製造業 / 1962年創業



Progressive tool inspired by the tradition of iron
A simple laser cutting and bending process developed this lightweight fire pit with a minimal set of parts. The curved, organic design softens the roughness of the metal, and the three panels open gracefully like a flower when in use. Despite the simplicity of the technique, it is a tool that combines functionality and design that refines with every use.


Akira Nakagomi × Kasimoto Shouten Co., Ltd.

Akira Nakagomi
Akira Nakagomi
Akira Nakagomi founded the AKIRA NAKAGOMI DESIGN in 2015, after working at TOKUJIN YOSHIOKA DESIGN. His work focuses on product design of furniture and daily necessities, taking into account new concepts based on the characteristics of materials and production methods. The goal is to create beautiful product designs that heirloom product. He received some awards, such as Aʼ DESIGN AWARD, Dezeen Awards Longlist, SKY DESIGN AWARDS, Kyoto Global Design Awards and so on.
TYD INC. を経て 2015 年 AKIRA NAKAGOMI DESIGN 設⽴。素材の特徴や製作⽅法などから新しいコンセプトを考慮し、家具、 ⽇⽤品などのプロダクトデザインを中⼼に⼿掛けている。“⼀⽣モノ” と思えるような美しいプロダクトデザイ ンを⽬指している。Aʼ DESIGN AWARD、Dezeen Awards Longlist 、SKY DESIGN AWARDS、Kyoto Global Design Awards など受賞

Kasimoto Shouten  Co., Ltd.
Kasimoto Shouten Co., Ltd.
Manufacturing and Distribution of Steel sheets / since 1949
Manufacturing and sales of metal parts used in construction, shipbuilding, and factory equipment. The company mainly handles steel materials and performs cutting and processing.
Shungo Takatsuji
Fourth Generation
Appointed as a Managing Director in 2023 after joining the company in 2014 and working in the factory and sales department. He is the son-in-law of Shinkichi Hamaya, the third and current president of the company.
鋼板流通加⼯業 / 1949年創業



Walking Trail Surrounded by Trees of Knits
The exhibition venue is a simple rectangular space typically used as an event space. Therefore, our focus became how to avoid creating a mundane spatial composition and connect it naturally with the joint exhibition, "biblioteca d'Oro."

Through a collaborative effort with exhibitors Igarashi Seihako and KIPS, we used paper fixtures and scrap knit materials to compose a space. This space was based on the theme of a 'walkway among trees,' following the spatial concept of a 'park.'

展示会の会場は普段はイベントスペースとして使用されているシンプルな矩形の空間で、空間をどう間延びせずに使えるか、また同じスペースを共有する展示会biblioteca d’Oroとどう緩やかに繋げられるかが求められた。

今回の展示にご参加いただいている五十嵐製箱さんとキップスさんの協力のもと紙製の什器とニットの端材を使用し、biblioteca d’Oroの空間イメージである「公園」に合わせて「木々の間を歩く散歩道」をコンセプトに空間を構成した。